In simplest terms, Linux is an operating system similar to what you’d find on a Windows machine, MacBook, or Chromebook. However, that’s also an oversimplification. When people talk about Linux, they typically refer to the full collection of software packages and window managers known as a Linux distribution or distro. Technically, the term Linux relates only to the kernel at the heart of it all. The Linux kernel is the heart of the larger distro.

The Linux kernel is responsible for most of the lower-level functions, such as hardware communications, networking, process management, and elements of the underlying file system. It is also the one element that will be present in every permutation of the larger Linux ecosystem.

Another essential element of Linux is its open-source nature. The kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public License, and most Linux distributions are either entirely or primarily open source. The legal specifics could be more precise. But in general, all of this means you’re free to modify, build upon, or even sell Linux. The ability to freely modify and distribute improvements is one of the most significant reasons for the operating system’s long-term success. People have been adding features they want into Linux for decades and integrating those changes into the larger codebase.

How Do Network Engineers Interact with Linux?

Linux has significant market penetration in most areas of IT. However, one of its first success stories was in networking. When Linux became well-known, it was viewed as a drop-in replacement for expensive Unix servers. Linux is more or less Unix-compatible in most ways. That also extends to Unix’s famed stability and robust design. As such, Linux quickly rose to prominence as a top-tier server operating system. The rise of the Internet further cemented the importance of Linux in IT. As the need for Internet servers grew, so did the need for Linux.

Linux rose to fame on servers, and a network engineer’s use of the operating system will typically be within that domain. Some of the more common uses include the foundational elements of server management, monitoring network traffic, and investigating possible security issues. Much of this will be done with custom frontends that provide a more abstract view of the network and resource utilization. However, it’s also essential for network engineers to feel at home logging into a Linux server on the command line. On top of that, network engineers working on-site with the hardware will sometimes need to go into server rooms to work with servers on the racks manually. However, this is rare and is typically only needed as a last-ditch fix when there’s been a larger-scale network issue.

Why is Linux Important?

It’s a fact that you’re going to see Linux if you work in IT. However, understanding that fact only scratches the surface of Linux’s importance to the industry. Understanding why Linux is important in the first place is equally vital.

Linux is a foundational technology.

Stressing the difference between Linux as a kernel and Linux distros might seem pedantic at first glance. However, the importance of that distinction is made clear when you look at how people have created projects based on the Linux kernel. The kernel handles the bulk of an operating system’s lower-level, challenging program elements. The Linux kernel provides all of that and more in an easy-to-modify package. The Linux kernel has been ported to somewhat esoteric hardware. This is part of why Android uses the Linux kernel. Linux already had a port to the ARM platform, so Android developers didn’t need to reinvent the wheel. People typically build platforms on top of Linux because it’s free, open-source, and allows commercial use without a fee. Combining those benefits with bug fixes and compatibility born from decades of development makes it clear why it’s the foundation for so many projects.

Linux is a future-proof operating system

Today, you’ll find the Linux kernel at the heart of a vast array of different projects. Android, ChromeOS, FireTV, and Kindle are some of the most well-known “hidden” implementations. When you learn about Linux, you’re learning about more than just the specific platform you’re using at the time. You’re also learning how to use a vast array of other platforms. Some are currently on the market, and some are just a gleam in a developer’s eye.

End users typically need to know whether their hardware uses the Linux kernel. However, it can make for interesting points of convergence. For example, Android phones use the Linux kernel but leave out many additional software pieces found in traditional distributions. Adding those components to run Linux distros on Android devices is pretty straightforward. Likewise, companies with multiple products using the Linux kernel can often merge functionality. Google, in particular, has often done so with its Android and ChromeOS projects. The company is integrating their build of the Android and ChromeOS Linux kernels more tightly to leverage their work on AI.

The ubiquity of Linux is also a big win for end users as even relatively obscure hardware, like ARM-based Chromebooks, can be converted into complete Linux systems. This is a significant boon for developers and network engineers as it instantly adds new devices to their repertoire. For example, porting a network monitoring tool from a Linux server to an Android device might be trivial in improving your workflow and allowing for greater mobility on the job. As new platforms are rolled out, there’s a strong chance that you’ll already be familiar with the underlying system.

Linux can fit the size of any project

Another essential element of Linux is its size. The Linux kernel is all that is needed for a small operating system. Linux’s size means it’s even been ported to smaller, size-constrained game consoles like Dreamcast. It’s even possible to run a complete Linux system with a graphical window manager on surprisingly light hardware. For example, the original Raspberry Pi Zero runs 1GHz with only 512MB RAM. Those modest specs can still run the Linux-based Raspberry Pi OS with a light graphical window manager.

Linux’s low system requirements are another reason why it is growing in most areas of IT. From a networking perspective, consider what it means to write a small script in a higher-level language like Python and have it instantly run on everything from a high-end server to a system on a chip that would fit on your keychain.

Want to Learn More?

IT careers have become essential not just in Austin but globally, and there is no better time to start than now. In 2021, Austin was ranked #1 in Best Tech City for IT jobs by CompTIA, and the demand is only growing.

Ready to embark on a rewarding and challenging career as a network engineer? The Network Engineer Program at CyberTex equips you with the expertise to thrive in advanced computer networking and security roles. Our program covers 7 CompTIA certifications, including Linux+, along with 13 other in-demand certifications sought after by employers. At CyberTex, you’ll gain the skills to set up, install, configure, repair, and manage modern computer networks and their security.

Contact us today to learn more about our Network Engineer program.