If you enroll in the medical assistant program at Cybertex Institute of Technology, you’re committing to just 20 hours a week, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. For those who work during the evening—perhaps even the second shift at a hospital in a non-medical role—it’s an ideal fit.

But for those students who want to dedicate themselves to their studies, the commitment to Cybertex doesn’t have to stop at 20 hours a week. I run tutorials and open clinicals for 4 to 6 hours a day most days I’m teaching. For students who want to advance beyond the solid framework they get in 20 hours a week of instruction, to learn some of the skills that RNs are learning in their coursework, it’s there for them!

I offer those opportunities to Cybertex students because I love working with them, but I also because I know that the possibilities for medical assistants are limitless. Phlebotomists, for example, can advance from entry-level roles to become master phlebotomists—running lab operations, being crucial members of code teams, and earning good salaries in fulfilling careers. The extra time a student spends in tutorials can be the stepping stone to more and faster advancement.

The more skills you have, the more competitive you are in the job market. It’s as simple as that. Knowing this, and wanting our students to succeed, is why we offer tutorials on top of everything we’re teaching in the eight different modulars.

If you want to be part of the experience, and learn about all that’s possible in a medical assistant career, visit our site’s admissions page to get started. Soon, you could be learning more than you ever thought possible about your future medical career.