Cybertex Institute of Technology has launched a recent ad campaign that you have may have caught if you’ve been watching TV in Austin. The campaign revolves around four simple words, “You can do better,” and features people in some common service industry jobs looking into mirrors to see the network engineer or medical assistant they might someday become.

When we say “You can do better,” we mean that you can be in a job where you can make a regular salary, where you can learn and grow and develop even after you graduate, where you can be stable.

Some people feel that they’re happy in the jobs they’re in, that they are making decent money, and don’t think about what else is out there. But finding a career you love is about more than just making money. When a person finds a career through Cybertex’s training programs, he or she gains a pride and excitement that comes from being in a career where learning and growth are part of the equation.

We’ve seen countless students come into our program who did so based on the courage to change their lives. We’ve seen students take day classes in network engineering and progress toward graduation while continuing to wait tables at night. We’ve seen students working retail jobs or as security guards taking evening classes that will move them into medical assistant careers.

For us, “You can do better” is a belief we have in our students, based on seeing them change their lives at Cybertex since 2000. It takes courage to change your life, but it also takes a plan, and then takes help along the way to get you there.

For those who want to find more stability in their workplaces and more growth opportunities in their careers, Cybertex Institute of Technology can be the first step in that journey. And the first step in your Cybertex journey should be to contact our admissions department, to learn about program start dates, available classes, and financial aid.