When looking at medical assistant programs in the Austin area, you might notice that Cybertex’s program requires less hours than others. In fact, you can start the program at Cybertex and complete the course in a little more than nine months.

That doesn’t mean, however, that Cybertex’s program covers less material. The instructors at Cybertex pack a lot of information into the course, covering legal and ethical issues as well as comprehensive coverage of all the medical subjects you’ll need on board to be an effective medical assistant.

How do we do it? We design the course with the same fast pace you’ll experience on busy days in a medical facility. A fast-paced course delivers information that makes the most of your time, and prepares you for the fast pace that can happen in any medical facility when a patient’s life is on the line.

While we make sure that our students are mastering the material, we also let our students know at the outset that we want them to have as much information on board as possible. Some of our instructors even offer after-hours tutorials and demos for those students who want to learn additional skills or get more practice in on the essentials.

Look around Austin, and you’ll see that it’s not the relaxed place of thirty or forty years ago. It’s a big city now, that moves at a faster clip driven by technology and an influx of young energetic go-getters. Cybertex’s program draws a diverse group of students who share one common, important trait—they value their time, and want to come to a program where they’ll learn a lot in a shorter amount of time. If you feel the same way, go to our admissions page and see how you can get started. If you want to embark on a fast-paced medical career, we can get you accustomed to the pace as well as helping you acquire the skills you’ll need.